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domingo, 13 de março de 2016

Lúcia Mendonça Morato De Andrade - Quilombola Lands In Oriximiná: Pressure And Threats (Inglês)

The quilombolas from Oriximiná are descendants of slaves who, in the 19 century escaped from the plantations and the properties of white slave-owners in Óbidos, Santarém, Alenquer and Belém. In the forest, the runaway slaves found refuge, and built a new life. Since then, the forest has provided their livelihood and freedom. Currently, the quilombolas from Oriximiná live within nine ethnical territories along the banks of Trombetas, Erepecuru, Acapu, and Cuminá rivers. They comprise 35 communities, whose residents share an extensive kinship network that connects all the different nuclei in which they live.

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