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domingo, 11 de setembro de 2016

Douglas Davies - A Brief History Of Death (Inglês)

This book brings into brief compass a subject that touches practically every aspect of life. The inevitable interest we all have in death – whether voiced or silent – is, often, unlike the interest we possess in other subjects. This one is infused with emotion, whether that of the experience of bereavement or of its anticipation, or of the thought of our own mortality. This brief volume seeks to capture some of these moods as reflected within the kaleidoscope of the history, religion and culture of many societies. I have taken as a guide for inclusion the interest shown by generations of students and others in particular aspects of death covered in courses I have taught, especially at Nottingham and Durham Universities. My own background in both social anthropology, involving empirical studies, and theology, with its reflective concerns, will also be evident throughout the text.

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