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terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

Anabela Gradim And Catarina Moura - Communicating And Evaluating Science (Inglês)

Nowadays the scientific community is the unequivocal result of the way these last years exponentially emphasized the challenge to define and stabilize parameters that allow communication and evaluation of science to benefit from the necessary credibility it takes to sustain a complex paradigm. Thought after – and as a result of  –  an  international  conference  on Emerging Publication Models organized within  a  project  devoted,  precisely,  to  the  Communication  of Science,  this book reflects and echoes, through thirteen essays, the concerns of thousands of researchers, professors, students and librarians who feel, about their work (about their future), the permanent pressure of a system whose intricate functioning, to some extent, remains unclear.

Baixe o arquivo no formato PDF aqui.
Baixe a versão em português aqui.

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